Friday, October 14, 2011

Captivity of this Dunya.

Every man starts his day being a vendor of his soul, either freeing it or bringing about its ruin. There are those who were besotted by the beauty and glamour of this dunya. Some were fortunate enough to get out while others have wandered off into the abyss of misguidance, and the only thing that will allow them to escape is death itself.

This world is one big attraction, making those who are in reality a meager and full of weakness look strong and mighty, making those who are ignorant seem intelligent, and portraying those who have been misguided and enslaved to their own desires as being the most guided of people. 

Be known that no matter how deluded you are in this life, in reality it is a wolf dressed in sheep's clothing. Had there been any good in it, Allah would have made it a place of reward, and place of dissension of His mercy. But rather made it a place of trial and tribulation and a true prison for the believers.

He who enslave his soul to Allah has indeed liberated it and he who enslave his soul to his whims and desires have indeed wedded its captivity until death comes to him. No one lives for the sake of this dunya except that he will be eaten by it in its entirety or will leave bruised and scarred except for those whom Allah has mercy upon.

Verily the dunya is coming to an end, and the aakhirah is coming to a beginning and they both have children. So be the children of akheerah rather than the children of this dunya. For verily today there is action with no account and tomorrow there's account with no action.

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