Friday, October 14, 2011

Enjoin Good and Forbid Evil as Allah Commanded you.

The greatness of the sin being done by the many and the apparent approval of the majority of the said sin, is in itself, a big dam against the flood of corruption. 

The circulation of scandal and shamelessness and spread of the sin openly breaches this dam, makes the sin light in public eye and makes pollution easy. This is precisely whats happening in our place…women are not ashamed anymore to flirt and has no more decency in the way they dress! It has become a habit, some are even proud of spreading shameful acts and indecency in which, sometimes, even our "pious" people get involved!!!!

"By Him in Whose hand my soul is, you must enjoin what is reputable and forbid what is disreputable, or Allah will certainly soon send punishment from Himself to you. Then you will make supplication and not receive an answer." ~Al-Tirmidhi #5140

Not giving da'wah because you don't have "enough" knowledge or you don't have an Islamic degree is just like watching some people drowning in the sea, and you know how to swim enough to save them, but you when you are called, you say "I don't have a life guard certificate!"
“And keep reminding (each other), because reminding benefits the believers (only).”... [Quran 51:55]

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