Friday, October 14, 2011

Eeman, not Money, is the Real Blessing

Eeman is something that we have in our heart. It cannot be seen by men though it can be mirrored in our deeds and mannerism. 

Blessings are not just in the form of "Money" and "good fortune". As a matter of fact, having a lot of money and having good fortune is just part of our trials in life. 

Most often, having  a lot of money changes the perspective of an individual. Good fortune sometimes ignite arrogance in us. This is the kind of trial that is greater than any other form of trial because it plays great deal in our desires. Desires, if being followed, can cause deafness and blindness in our heart.

Quran 38:26 "...follow not your desire for it will mislead you from the Path of Allah..."

Do not be saddened if you are poor (in this life) as long as you have an unwavering eeman because eeman is the only blessing given by Allah that transcend from this life to the akheerah. Eeman is the only provision that we will bring with us in our grave, not the wealth we amass in this life. 

Let us wear he garments of eeman and Taqwa as they are the only true garments that cover the 'awrah, and are the only protection from the tribulations of this dunya....

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